3D Model Workshop - NAIDOC Week 2011, Barmah Forest, Yorta Yorta Nation

Excerpts posted by Yorta Yorta Nation Aboriginal Corporation, 28th July 2011.

This year's Yorta Yorta Nation NAIDOC week celebrations included the exploration of Yorta Yorta culture through innovative activities focused on engineering, science and appropriate technology thanks to EWB (Engineers Without Borders) and our corporate partners John Holland, GHD and DLA.

As part of the camp schedule the Yorta Yorta Nation Aboriginal Corporation (YYNAC) partnership members were invited to run activities for the kids around engineering and science. The themes chosen were energy, water and mapping which included geocaching and a 3D model of the Barmah Lakes with the activities including Yorta Yorta knowledge.

Monday morning saw Nick Buzza, our 3D mapping expert, join us and so the much anticipated model of the Barmah Lakes was started.

On Tuesday afternoon Ian and Nick gave the kids a lesson on the use of the GPS's and longitude and latitude, ably demonstrated with a trusty globe. Next it was geocaching (orienteering with a GPS). So the kids were organised into groups with older kids assisting the younger ones and off we went. Ian had put together a questionnaire for the kids to use to locate from the GPS coordinates cultural objects, land marks and information from the cultural and historical walk in the vicinity of the Dharnya Centre.

Lastly for the day it was time for the kids to plaster the 3D model, smoothing out contours from the layers of rubber. Great fun was had with kids up to their elbows in the plaster bucket!

On Wednesday, the final day it was time to paint the 3D model! Again the kids led the way, painting in creek and river systems along with vegetation. The finished model looked great with the kids signing the frame as a finishing touch.

Cutting the contours

                Pasting the contours together                    Plastering a smooth surface over the contours

Painting the landscape on the model

The finished product!
